

The Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting (MOPM) is a two-day conference organized every two years by the Academia Mexicana de Óptica, A. C. (Mexican Optical Academy), in partnership with Mexican public research centers, as well as public and private higher education institutions. The MOPM aims to showcase the latest outstanding research results from the Mexican optics and photonics community to an international audience.

In this year's edition, the MOPM will be held in-person, providing a valuable opportunity for us to come together and connect. We are thrilled to gather once again, fostering collaboration, and sharing cutting-edge knowledge in the field of optics and photonics.

The conference will feature inspiring plenary sessions delivered by globally recognized speakers who will discuss trending topics of high worldwide interest and impact in optics and photonics. Additionally, we will have Mexican invited speakers, along with a selection of authors presenting their most recent and relevant research results. This will provide a representative sample of the quality and impact of optics and photonics science and technology currently being developed in Mexico.

Furthermore, we are excited to present plenary sessions by young, promising Mexican speakers, who will delve into trend topics that hold significant worldwide interest and impact in the field of optics and photonics.

To facilitate networking and foster collaborations, there will be dedicated poster sessions featuring a carefully curated selection of peer-reviewed contributions. These sessions will create opportunities for Mexican optics and photonics research groups to connect and establish focused collaborations with their international counterparts.

If you are interested in learning about the groundbreaking work taking place in Mexico in the fields of optics and photonics, or if you are seeking opportunities to collaborate with Mexican research groups, the MOPM is a conference you cannot afford to miss. Join us as we embrace the chance to gather, share knowledge, and forge lasting connections after the challenging times brought upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic.